Miami Wrongful Death Attorney

Rights to compensation for wrongful death in Miami

If you have lost a family member in an accident which was caused by another person, you may be entitled to recover financial compensation. Texas state law provides two separate types of legal action which can be pursued in this situation: wrongful death claims and survival actions. The former is intended to provide compensation for the losses sustained by the family members of the accident victim, whereas the latter provides compensation to the victim’s estate. The compensation in both types of claim, however, will normally go to the surviving family members.

Miami wrongful death damages

By taking legal action with the help of a Miami personal injury attorney from the Sky Law Firm, P.A.,, you may be able to recover an insurance settlement or jury verdict to help you offset the enormous economic impact of your loved one’s death, and to make it easier for you to move on in life. This includes payment for medical expenses, funeral and burial expenses and lost financial contributions in the form of income, inheritances and gifts.

You can additionally claim noneconomic damages for the pain and suffering which your loved one experienced in the time leading up to death, as well as for your loss of consortium and companionship and for emotional distress and grief. In the event that the person who caused your family member’s death is guilty of willful acts or omissions, or caused the accident through gross negligence, you may additionally be able to recover exemplary damages, which are commonly referred to as punitive damages.

Secure justice for your tragic loss

No amount of money can ever replace what you have lost and undo what has happened, but you can at least seek to recover compensation to help you avoid the serious economic consequences of this terrible situation. Further, you could help to protect others from suffering similar accidents by holding the at-fault party accountable, whether it is a drunk driver, a doctor who is guilty of medical malpractice, or the manufacturer of a defective product. Take action now by contacting us for a case evaluation!