Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Senior citizens who live in nursing homes in Miami and throughout Texas are there because they can no longer care for themselves and need extra help with the everyday tasks of living. When you took your loved one to the nursing home, you did so because you wanted the best for him or her and expected that the staff of the facility would provide caring and compassionate assistance and treatment. Now that you have learned that your family member has been neglected or abused, you have every right to feel outraged. Fortunately, it may be possible for you to secure justice and to recover financial compensation by suing for the personal injury or wrongful death of your loved one.

About Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse takes many forms, and it can happen to anyone living in any elder care facility. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services reports that there are currently more than 2.4 million Texans aged 65 or older, and almost half of them have a disability which means that they may be living in nursing homes where they are at risk for abuse or neglect. The Attorney General of Texas lists examples of elder abuse as including:

Involuntary seclusion
Threats of punishment
Corporal punishment
Sexual assault
Sexual coercion
Sexual harassment
Verbal abuse
Any oral, written, or gestured language that includes disparaging or derogatory terms, regardless of the person’s ability to hear or comprehend

Another disturbing trend in nursing homes across the nation is the increasing use of chemical restraint, a practice which is essentially nothing more than force drugging. When nursing homes are understaffed or if the staff becomes impatient with the behavior of a resident, they will often give the person a dose of powerful antipsychotic drugs which can have serious side effects and which leave the individual in an unresponsive state. Worse, many of these drugs are known to cause death in many elderly patients who suffer from dementia.


Whatever the circumstances of your case, come to the Sky Law Firm, P.A., for help. Our Miami personal injury lawyers understand what a powerful combination of emotions you may feel, with anger, upset, frustration and grief over your loved one’s suffering. Contact us now for an initial case evaluation to get the process started!